Posted by Pete L on 2/11/2009, 9:35 am
Had to share this one with you as it shows how much the workshop has helped.
Two freinds and myself went on a fishing trip to Grafham Waters on Saturday. I was fully aware of the set up prior to going ont this trip; no toilet, just a blue bucket....actualy, it was more of scuttle than a bucket!! You can imagine the scene, 3 men in a boat, other boats around within viewing distance and the urge to pee..... fear not I told myself, I need to pee, and I can pee..... I can I can I can!!
So, I stood up, unfastened the layers upon layers to get to the right parts, had the scuttle in hand and..waited, waited waited.....and finally (after a 20-30 second hesitation - which is normal) emptied my bladder!! Another feather in my cap I told myself.
I knew that other people around me would be aware of what I was doing and, although I was not facing people direct, knew they would not be lookin - afterall, staring would be weird!! However, I achieved what I would never have been able to do if it wasn't for the workshop.
Before the workshop, I would never have gone out on such a trip - anxiety would have got the better of me and I would have missed out on a lot of fun. Since the workshop, my life has changed dramatically. I am not cured, far from it, but I am enjoying my life and not worrying so much about where I go. Taking that initial thought out of my head 'what if I need to pee' is an amazing acheivement.
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