Posted by Gus on 7/6/2009, 7:07 am
I obviously camouflaged this problem for many years by drinking heavily but since giving up alcohol(ten years previous) I obsess about not being able to pee in public places constantly. I read the Soifer book and was determined to do graduated exposure but always postpone and say to myself I'll start tomorrow. I can go in cubicles , sometimes in urinals where there are dividers but present me with a row of urinals without dividers or the tin trough scenario and I get palpitations and break into an uncomfortable sweat. Although this condition is manageable, it leaves me feeling depressed and unmanly. I can't stop obsessing over it and want to stop avoiding football matches , concerts , social events and any places where I may have to try and pee in front of another person. I want a way to start working on myself and have the courage to just stand there and 'fail' until maybe one day I can succeed at a urinal without dividers or perish the thought stand at a trough.