Nick and his pee buddy
Posted by Nick on 14/8/2017, 7:16 pm
Hello everyone. This is to tell everyone how useful for me has been to have a pee buddy during my holiday in Ireland. I was able to succeed almost always in any type of urinals, even troff urinals, which I considered impossible for me. So my advice is: ask one of your closest male friends to be your pee buddy. Even if is not paruretic (my pee buddy was not). I found this experience very useful. Don't be shy. Choose carefully your pee buddy among your closest and most discreet male friends. If he really cares for you, he will probably be empathic with you and will accept to be your pee buddy. This experience can also makes your friendship deeper. I am very happy to have revealed my problem to my best friend. I felt immediately more relaxed and all worked very well. So don't be doubtful. Look for a pee buddy among your male friends! Nick from Italy