its almost gone
Posted by The Therapist on 12/4/2011, 7:03 pm
After 20 years of pauresis its finally coming to an end. Been treating myself with a CBT approach over the last year and using systematic desensitisation and its got better and better. There are so many things I can do now I couldnt before. Packed toilets not a problem anymore even if people are queueing behind me at the urinals. Its been a long road with occasional setbacks but Im pretty happy with where I am now. Treating other people with anxiety disorders has helped me a lot. Seeing how other peoples safety behaviours actually intensify their anxious thoughts, emotions and physical reactions has helped me understand and treat my own problem. And I have finally accepted that its not the big deal we all think it is. I have told quite a few people now and theres very little reaction from them. This has helped it a lot. A year ago I had to plan everywhere I went around the toilets. It occupied my thoughts every day.Now I rarely think about it. Will I ever have a pauresis attack again? Possibly yes but the fact that Im not the slightest bit bothered if I do is why its very unlikely.