I feel like a pathetic loser
Posted by John on 17/8/2009, 7:03 pm
Hi all, kind of feel like i'm at an AA meeting. You know, i have a problem...that kind of thing. The funny thing is i think i would find it easier to admit to been an alcoholic than a paruresis sufferer. I find the whole thing excrutiatingly embarrassing. However finding this site has given me some comfort in knowing that i'm not alone. There are other people out there who feel a rising panic at the thought of going to the loo and and have felt their heart beating like a drum when someone else is around. It seems i'm not a freak. Just knowing there are others is a big comfort. This condition is such a pain, it really does affect your social life in a big way. Just getting this off my chest is a help and i hope through these postings from many fellow sufferers others won't feel so 'freakish' and find a way to a cure. All the best.