By Joseph Weller on Friday, 09 June 2023
Category: General News

Give pee a chance: Why German men urinate sitting down

Would life be easier for men who have shy bladder syndrome (paruresis) if they were all sitzspinklers? According to this article in the BIG THINK it seems there could be positive benefits not only for our bladders but also for the hygiene in our bathrooms if men sat to pee!

Many men with paruresis tell us that although they struggle to pee at a urinal, they can manage in a cubicle where they have privacy. If architects could be persuaded to design men's toilets with no urinals life might be considerably easier for so many men. Or would they then experience the same frustrating queues waiting for an empty cubicle as women often do?

If you experience difficulties using urinals visit for information and support on how to manage paruresis. 

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