Hi Aaron, I've been reading this post with interest, mainly because I developed my AP when I was still at school. Reasons I would be reassured in the scenario you paint: 1, you get to use the staff toilets - how great is that! 2, I don't know the layout of your school but they're usually quite big and staff and students are allowed time to move from classroom to classroom, so I wouldn't worry about the time factor - you should have a good fifteen minutes between classes. 3, I wouldn't worry about being late for a class or leaving early - there's always a lot of wasted time in these periods when your lateness, if you're late, won't matter, or cutting out while the students are packing up, asking questions, etc, won't matter. 4, You are an adult - you aren't time/place restricted like the students are - you don't have to ask permission to leave a classroom when you feel like it! Eventually, I reckon you'll be able to relax enough to own the situation w/out any anxiety at all. Best wishes...