Posted by gabriele on 11/12/2013, 6:36 pm, in reply to "Feedback - London Follow-up Workshop Nov 2013"
This one was a bit different from previous ones.
I knew that as usual I would make big jumps climbing my ladder, and it was but
this time I was more concerned thinking about my thought processes, trying to understand
what I say to myself and what is really helpful for improving my condition.
As usual I had the evidence that I can easily solve all my problems in peeing situation,
because I already got what I needed for being confident and feeling relaxed.
Feeling that I'm already recovered.
Even if I've been talking about the same main subjects about faulty thought processes,
this time it was like I understood them for the first time.
We had really interesting discussions that clarified me what are the feelings
and automatic processes that let me filtering all my progresses and put me back trapped.
When I came back in my place I faced these kind of feeling that came from past experience
and wrong routines. But I'm starting to have another approach in the direction of understanding
what was wrong, reframing my thoughts and try to learn from that experience.
Nothing is permanent, so even the bad experience can be let go and with the confidence
stored from the workshop, you can look forward and try next time to face your fear correctly.
Trying next time as you do during the exposure. And trying again until you don't feel comfortable.
The amazing thing is that exposing and exposing your body remember and there is again
a natural connection with the act of peeing.
So is your body that says you what you have to do, the main task is to support your body
and let it still do its job as should be.
I want say thanks to Andrew to be so helpful to answering to all the questions and be so expert
to get the core of the problem and let you realize what happens inside your mind.
And a great thanks to all the workshop people for being so supportive.
Right now I know that I'm on my own. I have all the tools I need to help me with time to live
with no anxiety about peeing.
But I don't exclude that I'll not attend again to another workshop, it's always helpful. 275
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