Some questions
Posted by Graham on 1/3/2012, 8:59 pm
I wonder if anyone has the same experiences as me through this. I find that sometimes I can go to a public toilet and urinate with no problem even if there are other people around as long as they are not right next to me. At other times in the same toilet, I struggle to get started even if only one person there and nowhere near me. Also if a friend is in the toilet, I cant get started, but if its no one I know I can usually go, again as long as no one is next to me. If I go into a public toilet when I'm not really needing, usually I can urinate, but if I was really needing to urinate then I would struggle and usually need to go into a cubicle to be sure of being able to urinate. Are my experiences familiar to anyone else who suffers from paruresis?