Posted by Colin on 18/4/2008, 8:02 pm, in reply to "Re: Peeing when drunk..."
It seems to me there are several problems with the "get drunk" solution:
1. If you drink beer, you increase the need to pee, and if you are not drunk enough, this will be uncomfortable.
2. If it does help, then next time you find yourself at a urinal, your BOO monster whispers in your ear "you wont manage it cos you're not drunk - you can only do it when you're drunk" And so you lack confidence and may misfire.
3. You are masking the problem rather than dealing with it.
4. You cannot function properly in business or socially if you are permanently drunk
5. Being drunk all the time is bad for you (I am not a doctor, but I do know this!)
Personally I don't recommend it in the early stages of recovery, as in my experience it blocks confidence rather than building it up. Later on however a couple of beers may give you a great amount of "flow" into the trough or bowl, or WC, which makes you proud of your "loud and proud" peeing!
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