This Discussion Board is for men who
find it difficult or impossible to urinate in a public or social situation. Women should use the women's Board.
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Desperate for local CB therapist in/near Bristol? (female if possible)
Posted by jackie on 13/2/2017, 4:36 pm
Hi Can anyone point me in the direction (or -if permitted - suggest a name?) of a psychologist who has heard of (ideally with some understanding of) AP? In my area (Bristol) for CBT - I have been offered funding for 6 CBT sessions (but only if I start soon!)? I tried hypnotherapy more than 10 years ago, but it didn't work for me. I was assigned to various general psychological/ psychiatric professionals but as they had never heard of AP, they seemed to be floundering as badly as me! I tried hypnotherapy, but it got me nowhere.. (Also my "helper" was a man, which I find even more embarrassing - (except for readers of this board, and those I have met at your workshops, because you understand - which nobody else properly could, as far as I can comprehend). I have trawled through various local medical listings, but not found any mention of AP or shy bladder syndrome among the specialities they treat. I worry that to see a general therapist not familiar with our problem, might be less helpful if indeed helpful at all. Or should I just see anyone with a good all-round reputation? I have attended 2 or 3 excellent UKPT workshops, so know the drill but my followup was regrettably poor and I want to take this opportunity of outside help. Thanks for any recommendation in the west County Jackie
Re: Desperate for local CB therapist in/near Bristol? (female if possible)
Yes I know he is man, and is in Newport not Bristol...but (a) it is only an hour away and more importantly (b) he has treated shy bladder cases and I know he has cured one, albeit a male. I just feel it would be helpful to approach him as he will know where you are coming from.
He was in touch with me some time ago.
Re: Desperate for local CB therapist in/near Bristol? (female if possible)
Andrew - Thanks a million, so kind of you to take the trouble. I had a long chat with Mr Burridge but unfortunately he no longer practices as he got another job. He was happy to give me a few pointers over the phone, which was kind of him. Interestingly he became a therapist because he suffered from AP himself, and says he is now 98% "cured". Unfortunately He doesn't know any such practitioners in Bristol, and cannot "treat" he said because he hasn't kept uptodate with his professional qualifications. He certainly did know "where I am coming from" - and that makes all the difference, as all sufferers will agree. with huge appreciation J