This Discussion Board is for men who
find it difficult or impossible to urinate in a public or social situation. Women should use the women's Board.
The Board is maintained and moderated by the
U.K. Paruresis Trust. Registered Charity no: 1109541.
further information, visit our website, or contact us at
This has ben posted by Andrew on behalf of Jasper, who has not been able to find a way of posting it.
Beginner's Workshop London 25-27 Sept 2015
I just attended the UKPT Beginner's Workshop and all in all it was an extremely worthwhile, informative and productive experience. My biggest regret is not attending one sooner as I feel that I have made real progress in tackling a problem which has marked my life.
Whether you have mild or severe paruresis (shy bladder) you will come away with something from the workshop. It's not a miracle cure, as the trainers can only show you the way; you will have to walk it yourself. But, in terms of support, explanation and action plans the workshop will help you, without a doubt. The workshop has made me more compassionate, more positive and above all energised. Finally, if you feel worried about talking about your problems, just remember this; you're not alone, nobody is going to judge you as you are all in the same boat and I feel that I made some real friendships in such a short time.
So, stop dithering and make that step that could quite possibly change your life. I should know, as I've just taken it.
Re: Feedback from London Beginners workshop Sept 2015
I agree completely with Jasper, as I think would most workshop participants. Feeling anxious yet optimistic, I made my way over to the hotel in which the workshop would take place. Very quickly, I was put at ease by Andrew and the other workshop administrators. I also realised all the guys participating were just regular guys of all ages and backgrounds.
I struggled with paruresis for many years. It was not getting any better over time and truly affected my life, my happiness and my confidence. Even a mild form of paruresis can really stand in the way of your development as a person in so many areas (social, professional, relationships,...). The workshop does not solve all your problems in one weekend, but it provides you with all the tools you need. You obtain knowledge about the condition, how to go about dealing with it, and how to deal with any setbacks in this process.
I find that now, I still have a long way to go, but at least I know where I'm headed, I know how to get there and I'm convinced I will get there and will overcome this problem! Even though this is a long journey, I feel I advanced significantly during the weekend. Sometimes it's just good to pay undivided, positive and productive attention to a problem for a few days to really understand it and yourself better, and to see how you can overcome it. So attend a workshop and see what you think. You really have nothing to lose!
Re: Feedback from London Beginners workshop Sept 2015
I have read a lot about my condition. I have had it since I was 18, I think. I am now 61. I have managed to design my life around my shy bladder. Now my biggest problem is that it is easier to make an excuse to just keep going on the way I have been rather than to try and fix the problem. The main thing that bothers me is my lack of closeness with male friends. I am truly lonely for that. I have mild shy bladder. I can go in a urinal with a high wall and a stranger next to me. But I can't go with someone I know. This problem affects my entire life. I would love to start talking about it.
Re: Feedback from London Beginners workshop Sept 2015