This Discussion Board is for men who
find it difficult or impossible to urinate in a public or social situation. Women should use the women's Board.
The Board is maintained and moderated by the
U.K. Paruresis Trust. Registered Charity no: 1109541.
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I've been hearing a lot about the breath hold technique, holding your breath long enough until you eventually pee. I tried it a few years ago but never really liked it. I prefer to breath out very slowly through pursed lips. I'm just wondering what you guys think. Has anyone here been able to have much success with it?
Hi Mike T, breathe in deep, hold it, breathe out through pursed lips works for me. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 breaths to get started and deep breathing in a smelly toilet can be unpleasant. C ya Bill C
Hi Mike, what Bill has said is one of the techniques they teach you on the beginners course so I would try that. What i learnt is this may not help you pee but it will help you relax which is the first step
The closest thing to a "magic pill" I've seen is in those who have mastered the so-called breath hold technique (BH). The goal is to achieve a self-induced state of hypoxia (lack of oxygen). In that state, the muscles (including the ones that lock-up in us shy bladder folks) relax. I once saw it demonstrated at a Baltimore Workshop by DavidL (who prior to learning BH had a wicked case of paruresis that was becoming progressively worse). So there he was, standing at a urinal with about 10 guys standing around him in a semi-circle. First, the big showoff let out some urine just to demonstrate he could still pee (in front of an audience) when he wasn't at a high urgency. Breathing normally, he exhaled what he said would be about 75% of his breath and then held the rest. About 25 seconds later he was splashing like a race horse. This was someone who used to have to hold his urine all day at work. In the presence of the BH, he can now "pee anytime anywhere," including on sailboats in rough weather and at troughs in football stadiums; he can also demonstrate the technique in a public loo with a crowd standing around him. It doesn't seem to work for everyone (it hasn't for me) but with results like those DavidL and others have described, I think it's worth a try (AFTER you discuss it with your doctor; lack of oxygen is generally not a positive, and you don't want them carving on your tomb-stone, "He/she FINALLY mastered the Breath Hold"). Here's a link to the complete explanation of the BH. Good Luck and Pee Free:
Hi to all I have been trying breath holding whilst sitting down relaxing to begin with. I exhale 75% and get to point of gasping but don't feel much going on downstairs does it not work on me or do I just keep trying