This Discussion Board is for men who
find it difficult or impossible to urinate in a public or social situation. Women should use the women's Board.
The Board is maintained and moderated by the
U.K. Paruresis Trust. Registered Charity no: 1109541.
further information, visit our website, or contact us at
Hi everyone Havent posted anything for ages! Found this site in 2007 and its made a huge difference to my life! Just being aware of the problem and the fact that it affects so many of us has helped me immensely. I havent managed a workshop yet but I will. Ive been taking Andrews advice and instead of shying away from my need to pee have been going as often as I can! This is hard but it makes it less of a chore. I usually keep an eye on the loo to see if anyones going in and if it gets awkward I can aiways just wash my hands and leave making out thats why I went in. Im a long way from cured but im less stressed about the whole thing than I was before I found the site! Thanks Andrew and good luck everyone!
Its good to hear on your progress and the fact that you will at some point go on a workshop. I discovered the same as you, when I found this site a few months ago I was in a bad way, I could only go at home or somewhere I was staying. After reading the topics and posting, it became very theraputic. Now I can go out and about (in cubicles) with my Fiance 90% of the time.
Just carry on as you are, there is a recent post on de-sensing which you should read if you havent already. Go out purposely to use the loo, fill up the tank and see what heppens! Keep yourself full then move on to somewhere else and so on.