This Discussion Board is for men who
find it difficult or impossible to urinate in a public or social situation. Women should use the women's Board.
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U.K. Paruresis Trust. Registered Charity no: 1109541.
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This specific moment has been bothering me recently. I find it difficult to go generally if its not quite urgent, even then not always easy, and its tricky because clearly you dont want to go to bed kind of needing a wee...My current solution ashamedly is taking a shower before bed, and having a good old wee whilst im at it (seriously my housemates are so lucky to live with me). This gets tiresome tho, and clearly isn't always possible without seeming a bit weird, 'just nippin to the loo love...' and coming back 10 mins later (albeit refreshed and smelling of roses.) I'm not sure that there is a solution as such for this but would be nice to get feedback of any kind. Thanks Stu
Hi Stu. When you say you find it diffucult to go, do you mean because other people are around? Or you have a physical problem?
Is the reason you dont go before going to bed because you dont want to experience the discomfort? Personally I would go to bed regardless and if the need comes during your sleep you will wake up.
Maybe when you get used to not needing to go to the loo before bed, you will find you are under less pressure and therefor it may start to feel easier...
Looking for ways to cope: could you stop drinking a 2-3 hours before you go to bed. Could you then go for a wee an hour before you go to bed. I realise this may not be easy, but at least it removes the pressure of it being immediately before going to bed, especially if someone is waiting for you. If you have to get up in the night, thats OK; just keep the lights off, and sit down to pee, so that you can keep yourself as sleepy as possible (its what I do).
BTW real coffee is a bugger for making me need to pee even when the volume urge isnt there. I avoid it.