This Discussion Board is for men who
find it difficult or impossible to urinate in a public or social situation. Women should use the women's Board.
The Board is maintained and moderated by the
U.K. Paruresis Trust. Registered Charity no: 1109541.
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it has never realy bothered me that i have to use a cubical to go for a pee,if i am followed into the toilet by people and i know them i just say i dont want them to feel embarressed about their size by standing by them, it brings humour and diverts of my problem. if i am mid flow at the urinal and someone stands next to me i'm ok i can carry on but if i try to use a urinal and someone is behind me washing their hands at the sink,i just couldnt go, not at all. because i think they are watching me even though my back is to them as is his to me is he watching me in the mirror,this was driving me mad,i now have to picture in my head that whoever it is washing his hands is actualy looking down at his hands.i have even turned round to prove this is happening. this has helped me,i cant say its cured me there are times when i just revert back to old habbits. i have had this problem for many years, now my way of thinking of something else is helping me...getting there slowly.
Its good you have a means of sucessfully being able to go. If its just a bit of re-assurance you need to make sure no one is watching you than thats fine. You will hopefull find that you will need to do this less and less and eventually not at all.