This Discussion Board is for men who
find it difficult or impossible to urinate in a public or social situation. Women should use the women's Board.
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Does Depression or Anti Epilepsy tablets cause this
Posted by Vincent0ne- on 24/7/2008, 10:53 pm
Hey to all
Long time not seen, I still have to use a catheter in an emergency, my girlfriend told me one time she was depression tablets, she had to do the same as me for short while.
I am also on Tegrotal Carbamazepine for seizures as I may have to be on them for rest of the life after having a brain tumour removed on right temporal lobe on 7/12/06. Since Tegrotol is used for depression as well in some people. I did use catheters after my surgery on the brain to avoid too much straining.
However I can use the toilet if I am upstairs to the person being downstairs by switching off the ears and shake the bladder gentally to get the sense. Same is done at work.
As I found out after holding it too long I got UTI 1 point which caused a low blood pressure and nr to stroke.- To the question on this, if I not used a catheter for while do I need to go back on antibiotics if I really need to use 1. As these are only used in an emergency
Re: Does Depression or Anti Epilepsy tablets cause this
We are way out of our depth here; as you know we are not medically qualified. And any qestions about medication must only be dealt with by the doctor who has your medical history. So you really do need to ask your GP about this.
Re: Does Depression or Anti Epilepsy tablets cause this
I agree with Andrew on this I did research on 4,500 people with epilepsy some time ago and looked in some detail at side effects. at that time there was no evidence for urinary hesitation disclosed. howver there was evidence that drugs affected people in different ways. also be aware that aby other drug you are taking may cause an interaction effet so get down to the health centre and report this as a problem. there are many other drugs on the market