Hi here's a bit of a puzzler for you.A few months ago i had an operation to relieve 2 partial blockages on my uretha .I wasn't expecting much improvement as like you I suffer from paruresis a mental not a physical problem.A week after the op I noticed when I went to the toilet I just peed straight away no hesitancy,the stream wasn't all that strong because my bladder muscles have gone but hey no waiting.For about 5 weeks it was marvellous going to the public urinals and no hesitancy even with people next to me.I was getting ready to post on this website that I was cured and to go public and tell everybody when suddenly the hesitancy came back and even in the toilet at home I'm back to about 3 mins before anything happens.Trying to get my mind around it and not to get too despondent but the body is certainly a complicated object.