Posted by Joseph on 12/10/2017, 3:28 pm
Edited by board administrator 13/10/2017, 11:49 pm
This residential workshop is for people who have not attended a workshop before. It will start at 7pm on the Friday and end about 2 pm on the Sunday. It is being held in a hotel containing en-suite rooms.
If money is a problem, don’t let it be. You can make a contribution instead of paying the full fee. If paying for a room is difficult, let us know. The policy of the UKPT is that lack of money should not prevent anyone participating, so there is a bursary fund.
The workshop fee is £20. We prefer to receive the fee by bank transfer to: HSBC, sort code 403102, account number 91452576, account name UKPT. You can pay by cheque,
which will not be deposited until after the workshop, allowing you to stop it if you wish.
You will have to pay for accommodation and meals on top of that. The hotel rooms are about £104 for the two nights (non-cancellable) without breakfast, booked online; a breakfast voucher is £17.98. This does not include meals. If booking early, some discount websites may have cheaper rates. For £134 you can book a room cancellable up till 4pm on the Friday. There are reasonable places to eat nearby. If you are local, you may choose to commute. Note however that:
a) the workshop runs from 7pm – 10pm on Friday, 9am – 10pm on Saturday, and 10am to 3pm on Sunday, Attendance for the whole timetable is mandatory; experience has shown that missing parts of the program is counter-productive.
b) we need a minimum number of rooms for desensing, so if you can, its better to take a room.
The workshop is being led by Ian and Andrew both being “graduates” of the workshop process. Note that we are not medically nor psychologically qualified; these workshops are provided by ex-sufferers on a self-help basis. We do not provide an instant cure, but aim to enable significant improvements in how you feel and in how you perform, plus a plan of action for the future.
You are advised to book asap because of the level of interest, and to ensure that you can book yourself a room in the hotel.
Participants at workshops usually say that it took some nerve to commit to coming, and even more just to turn up on the day, but that they were very quickly put at their ease; they have never regretted attending. It is run in a relaxed informal way, and no-one is ever put under pressure to do anything they do not want to do; also you will always be in control of what you do. Confidentiality is key; you will discuss your progress during the workshop only with the workshop leaders in private, not with other participants. Note that everyone there has AP or is recovering from having AP, so there will be no puzzled looks to deal with!
Our website is
And our forum, where you can read feedback from previous participants, is at
I look forward to hearing from you
Andrew Smith (Chairman)
PO Box 182
FEE: £20.
Details of the hotel will be sent to you along with confirmation of your booking.
Please email this form back to in order to reserve a place, and send the signed paper copy of the form by post to the address above.
Re paying the fee, wait till you receive confirmation of your booking from us. If paying by cheque, the confirmation will give the address to send the cheque to; make the cheque payable to UKPT and post-date it 27.11.2017.
If you cannot email the form, get in touch by email to check a place is available.
Also due to Royal Mail occasionally being slow, could you write on the top left corner of the envelope the legend "Posted on" followed by the date posted.
Signature ___________________________________________________
Name (printed): _____________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
Postcode: _______________
Age _______ Gender _____
Phone: ____________________ (this would only be used in an emergency)
Mobile: ____________________ (needed for the workshop)
E-Mail: ___________________________________________
My preferred method of contact is: ______________________
NB the joining instructions have to be sent by email
I / will / will not / be booking a room (delete as applicable)
I will be coming by car Y / N
Payment (delete as appropriate): Cheque enclosed / bank transfer on confirmation.
Please say if you can go in the following situations, and add comments if it depends on certain conditions.
Yes No Comments plus conditions for Y/N
1. At home alone
2. At home with visitors
3. At a friend’s or relation’s house
4. Public toilet cubicle with solid wall and door
5. Public toilet cubicle with gaps in walls and doors
6. Train
7. Plane
For men only: in the following comment on types of people, separation etc
8. Urinals with dividers in spacious toilet
9. Urinals without dividers in spacious toilet
10. Urinals (2 or 3) with dividers in small toilet
11. Urinals (2 or 3) without dividers in small toilet
12. other
Is there anything the workshop leader needs to know about e.g. dyslexia, social phobia, Aspergers, physical handicap etc?
How did you find out there was a condition called shy bladder, or paruresis, as opposed to thinking you were the only one in the world who had it?
How did you find out about the UKPT and the workshops: e.g. TV program, friend, radio, internet search?
If you used a search engine like Google, what search terms did you use?