Posted by Karl on 24/10/2016, 12:21 pm
I have followed the workshops very helpful idea of using a coding system which i use every single day in a diary.
Here are examples of that system: P.B... Proximity Behind, P.A... Proximity Across, P.N... Proximity Next, P.C... Proximity Close, and N.P...No Proximity.
When we all develop and suffer with paruresis we all get anxiety about other men being in the vacinity and noticing we are not urinating.
Before i attended the workshops i always wanted to be alone at the urinals but since the workshop i have been desensing as much as possible by fluid loading (and without sometimes) and do not want to be alone so i can help myself get use to others being in the enviroment.
It's sod's law that now you want people to be around that they are not and i began to realise recently that we only notice the times when we are NOT alone instead of the time's that we ARE alone.
Thanks to keeping a diary and a coding system i have been able to refer to my documentation and have found out there was no proximity 203 times!
There may of been more proximity visits than not but it is still a significant amount of no proximity visits and knowing this has decreased my levels of anxiety.
I recommend everyone try documenting proximity and most importantly the no proximity visits and see if it surprises them how many times they are also alone in the gents.
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