I just recently returned from a weeks cruise to Norway which I've been looking forward too knowing I would have two sail days where I could practise desensing. I managed to use the urinals on board 24 times and out of these only two times was there anyone else using them, also there was only a maximum of two urinals and you were practically touching shoulders due to such a small space. The first time I couldn't go till the guy next to me had finished and left, the second time there was one guy washing his hands at the sink, one waiting to wash his hands and another currently using one of the urinals all in a space of about 2metres squared if that. I managed to muster the courage to use the other urinal but totally froze and couldn't go. I decided just to stand there and wait till everyone had gone, and kept telling myself no-ones paying any attention. As soon as the last guy had left I managed to go immediately. Someone else did come in and I managed to keep going which was a confidence booster. Since the beginners workshop in London I've managed to use public urinals over 40times, though most of the time with only me there. I have found my confidence starting to go, so the next follow up workshop in London is a must. If you've not attended a workshop before, I would definitely recomended it, this year is the first time I've used urinals in over 30+ years. Again if theres anyone in the Southampton area looking for a de-sense bud it would be good to hear from you.