Hi just to report recent experience. Having undergone a period of work re-training and several mixings of different colleagues, i am now getting settled into a new team or sub team of 11 people of which 3 others are male. The new desk location in the building means the closest toilet facilities are different to what was close to my previous location where I was able to use a disabled facility giving full privacy for times when i felt less able to go or could use the male room with single cubicle or urinal when i felt more confident. Now the layout at the new mensroom location is 1 cubicle and two side by side no divider urinals. So far until this week I have managed not to encounter many colleagues that are familiar with me whilst using the urinals, mostly its been whilst washing up after. This week though had 2 encounters with same colleague, the first time i walked in and he had just finished up and was using one of the sinks so had to walk past him to the urinals as cubicle was taken, couldn't get a stream going until he had left the room. 2nd time cubicle again taken but both urinals free and noone else there so had to try at urinal - luckily had high level of urgency and got going easily, then that same colleague came in and stood to me at the adjoining urinal I began to stress but managed to keep a flow and thankfully he did not attempt to strike up conversation so was able to finish up and leave before him. So the positive is being able to maintain the flow whilst he was there even though the scenario was mental torture.