Hi everyone I'm 53 and have has what I call a shy bladder since the age of 12. It started before then but I dont know how. All I can remember is an incident when I was trying to pee on my own and another boy came into the toilet and took a pee straight away. He noticed I hadnt peed and left saying 'theres no point in comming to the toilet if you arent going to piss' I remember this to this day and think this was the point where I really tood aversion to taking a pee with anyone else around. I can pee in cubicles with people waiting outside, on plains, Trains and anywhere so long as no-one is watching. I dont have any hangups about my body or any sexual hangups, I play sport and am happy showering nude in communal showers. Just cant pee in public! Its cramped my social life as you all know but I've worked around it. My ambition is to be able to walk up to a public urinal and take a pee regardless of how many people are already there. My next ambition is to pee in an open urinal at a rugby match....am I asking too much? Should I attend a weekend? when is the next one? Julian