Reply: Hello, Any Advice?

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Topic History of: Hello, Any Advice?

Max. showing the last 6 posts - (Last post first)

  • andrew

Any chance of a quick call with you about your experience as a doctor please. You can connect me by email at support at the domain name in the Contacts page.
Chair of trustees UKPT

  • Rick

That doctor should be reported for failure to treat you. At least he should have referred you to a urologist as a minimum. I talk as a retired doctor. You cannot allow thus to go on as badly as you describe. You will get some complications with the back pressurein your kidneys if not danaged already.

  • Ward

Hello Chris,

I am always having problems with shy bladder.

Have things got better for you recently?



  • RickH

Awful response by the doctor who should be caring for you!

  • andrew

Sorry Chris, I cannot advise on cath sizing. You would need to try them out. If too thick then obviously it would not fit, or would stretch you. If too thin, I am guessing that it would be less likely to follow the path of the urethra which does not sound good.

Take care


  • chris

Thanks Andrew,

No I wont just limit myself to Radar toilets, It would only be if I was caught short in town. A lot of the places I go to are really bad for Paruresis sufferers. Well, I find it so anyway. I'm building up to trying to use that Cath when out. I ordered some of those Speedicath Compact that you mentioned. These seem to be CH 12 size. Is that the standard size? Just looking at the French size guide it seems these are a little thinner maybe, I presume that would work better for me that the 14 that I'm currently using?


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